Somers Ladies Probus Club

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Date & time

On 03-Apr-2020 at 00:00


Stone Pavillion, RW Stone Reserve, 68a Camphill Rd, Somers 

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Event details

Our club activities provide interesting experiences for those who take part. It is pleasing to have visitors attend these and provide us with opportunities to spread the message about our Club.

Probus encourages ways to promote and maintain sound mental health in retirement: - focus on physical wellbeing, explore what gives you purpose, connect with the outside world, seek support when needed and consider your sense of safety. Through our Club and its regular activities I am sure we are well placed to address all of these.

Retired and semi-retired ladies are very welcome to join us at our monthly meetings at the Stone Pavilion, Somers at 10am on the first Friday of each month.

Contact Veronica on 5983 2952 or June on 5983 5321 for more information.

Our objectives are Fellowship, Friendship and Fun!